How Do You Know Your Roof Needs More Than Lakeland Roof Cleaning?

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Just because your roof is well-maintained and you routinely hire a Lakeland roof cleaning company, that does not mean that there won’t come a time when it needs a major repair or replacement. A roof can naturally reach the end of its life either because of weather conditions or the years of service it has provided. Delaying the replacement of the roof can only cause bigger problems for your house.

But since this is a major home improvement project, give yourself enough time to prepare for it financially.

What could be the signs that your roof needs a potential repair or replacement?

Shingle Edges Are Curled or Chipped

Shingles can be repaired, but if the edges are curled, chipped, or broken, the repaired units may not last long, too. This is the first sign that your roof is already deteriorating. If the shingles start to show signs of wear and tear and there are cracks on it, prepare for a major roof replacement project soon. You may need to call a roof installation company so you can have a quote on how much you need to prepare.

Roof Is More Than 20 Years Old

Although the shingles being produced now are durable and sturdy, the same cannot be said for roofing materials manufactured 20 years ago. If your roof is more than 20 years old, it may be time to replace the shingles. There are other causes of why your shingles will look worn, of course, but time is the ultimate deciding factor to its replacement.

Also, if you noticed that other houses in the neighborhood that are built the same year as yours are replacing their roofs, then you may follow their lead, too. This means that your houses have all experienced the effects of the weather conditions and the roofs may need more than just a thorough cleaning.

Moss Growth On The Roof

If there is moss between the cracks in the shingles, you can pull it out easily and carefully (so as not to damage the shingles). However, moss growth cannot easily be prevented, especially if the roof doesn’t get to experience too much sunlight. Moss, however, is more than just a cosmetic issue. Its growth can affect the overall structure of the roof and can even cause health hazards to those who will have to deal with it.

Contact a professional roofing contractor when dealing with your roof. Not only should you not put yourself in the hazardous position of climbing the roof without proper gear and training, but a Lakeland roof cleaning professional will also have more knowledge on what needs to be done with your roof.

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